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Our Guiding Principles

Our curriculum is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) as well as many other Early Childhood teaching theories and curriculum perspectives. All staff contribute to the program and factor our children’s interests wherever possible.

We have an inclusive multicultural approach to our learning programs and offer a Jewish Early Learning program interwoven into our curriculum.  Topics include Shabbat, Chanukah, Passover, Purim, Tu Bish'vat, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkot.

Develop At Their Own Pace​

We believe that children develop at their own pace and in their own time. This is why we offer daily programs that reflect a calm, relaxed and unrushed environment for growing and learning.

We help children reach their full potential by providing enriching, meaningful and real opportunities for learning and development through our educational program. We promote an environment of mutual respect and a love of learning.

We believe that children learn as they explore, discover, make, create and imagine. We value constructive play as a tool for learning through problem solving.

Learning at apples and honey preschool

Transitioning to School

learning and school readiness

As your child moves through their early years, the transition to formal schooling is one of their most significant milestones.


Preparing your child for the transition to school and their future doesn’t just happen in the year before school, it happens from the day they are born.


At Apples & Honey Preschool, we offer a school readiness program that encompasses literacy, numeracy, science, art, music and language while also focusing on social and emotional development.

Through intentional learning and play, children are guided by their natural interests and curiosities, while being supported by educators and early childhood teachers who encourage children to make meaningful connections to the real world – not by learning through repetition and isolated recognition of numbers and letters. In this way, literacy and numeracy skills are integrated into daily experiences. 


Literacy skills are encouraged at every opportunity, including alphabet yoga, playing with words and enjoying stories at preschool. Similarly, numeracy learning abounds in daily experiences by modelling mathematics as a meaningful and logical way to understand and relate to materials, for example counting and measuring in cooking.

Daily Program


Our daily program is structured around a combination of informal and formal (structured group time) experiences and interactions. Each day, the educators use both indoor and outdoor environments to provide opportunities for the children to play, learn and explore.

We offer a range of activities to enhance your child's fine motor skills, including scribbling in wet paint, writing, painting and stringing beads. These assist in developing the hand skills your child will need when starting school.


We also offer a range of activities to enhance your child's gross motor skills, including:

  • General sport

  • Dance

  • Yoga and meditation

  • Music

  • Excursions and Incursions

Children's daily experiences can include: construction, reading books, drawing, painting, play dough making and playing, puzzles, pretend play, sand play, water play, climbing, balancing, ball games and gardening. Regular opportunities to cook are a highlight of the preschool week, the smell of fresh bread baking in the preschool kitchen is a particular delight for both children and teachers. Music experiences are another highlight of the preschool week, as the children come together to learn new songs and get their bodies moving.

Diversity is key​


Throughout the year, we observe a range of cultural festivals and holidays, we link these celebrations to other cultures and values that can be shared by all. We love celebrating special events such as Chinese New Year, Harmony Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Families are also welcome to share and organise celebrations with the children, including birthdays, and other festivals and traditions.

Above all, we ensure the children are continually making steps forward with their learning about themselves, others, and the world, putting them in good stead for life within and beyond preschool. Book a tour today, we would love to show you around.

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